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作者: 深圳市叁鼎科技有限公司发表时间:2021-06-03 11:05:33浏览量:1543

FPC线路板快速打样-fpc电路板打样厂家_深圳fpc快速打样厂家_ fpc打样制造厂家_fpc加急打样厂家_FPC软硬结合板生产厂家制造商_FPC软板加急打样24小时交货-软板FPC加急打样48小时出货——叁鼎科技

导通孔起线路互相连结导通的作用,电子行业的发展,同时也促进FPC线路板乃至fpc软硬结合板的发展,也对印制板制作工艺和表面贴装技术提出更高要求。FPC线路板塞孔工艺应运而生,同时应满足下列要求:With the development of electronic industry, it also promotes the development of FPC circuit board and FPC hard and soft combination board. It also puts forward higher requirements for PCB manufacturing process and surface mount technology. The plug hole technology of FPC circuit board arises at the historic moment, which should meet the following requirements:

1. 导通孔内有铜即可,阻焊可塞可不塞; The copper in the through hole is enough, and the resistance welding can be plugged or not;

2. 导通孔内必须有锡铅,有一定的厚度要求(4微米),不得有阻焊油墨入孔,造成孔内藏锡珠;There must be tin and lead in the through hole, with a certain thickness requirement (4 microns), no solder resist ink into the hole, causing tin beads in the hole;

3. 导通孔必须有阻焊油墨塞孔,不透光,不得有锡圈,锡珠以及平整等要求。

随着电子产品向“轻、薄、短、小”方向发展,fpc多层软硬结合板也向高密度、高难度发展,因此出现大量SMT、BGA的FPC线路板,而客户在贴装元器件时要求塞孔,主要有以下五个作用:The through hole must have solder resist ink plug hole, not transparent, no tin ring, tin bead and leveling requirements.
With the development of electronic products in the direction of "light, thin, short and small", FPC multi-layer soft and hard boards are also developing to high density and high difficulty. Therefore, a large number of FPC circuit boards with SMT and BGA appear. Customers require plug holes when mounting components, which mainly have the following five functions:
①. 防止FPC线路板过波峰焊时锡从导通孔贯穿元件面造成短路;特别是我们把过孔放在BGA焊盘上时,就必须先做塞孔,再镀金处理,便于BGA的焊接。

To prevent short circuit caused by tin penetrating through the element surface from the through hole during wave soldering of FPC circuit board; In particular, when we put vias on BGA pads, we must first plug the vias and then gild them to facilitate BGA welding.

②. 避免助焊剂残留在导通孔内;

Avoid flux remaining in the through hole;

③. 电子厂表面贴装以及元件装配完成后PCB在测试机上要吸真空形成负压才完成:

After the surface mount and component assembly of the electronics factory, the PCB should be vacuumed on the testing machine to form a negative pressure

④. 防止表面锡膏流入孔内造成虚焊,影响贴装;

prevent the solder paste from flowing into the hole to cause false soldering and affect the mounting;

⑤. 防止过波峰焊时锡珠弹出,造成短路。

prevent solder bead from popping out during over wave soldering, resulting in short circuit.

2021-06-03 1543人浏览